/* global-animation.js =================== This file is included in inc-htmlbottom.php if animations are enabled. Please only place animations that are to be site wide in this file, otherwise please place Remember that animations are theme specific, meaning this file only effects the current theme that you are animating, and not every theme across the TemplateOTS platform. See detailed documentation here:- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n5sWQ8SIr-zjOpTv8YnOTHJapO8WdedjDfbeo-lkqMM/edit#heading=h.lmxb59mpcpe2 */ /* On Document Loaded ================== Called by Jquery event handler when the document is ready (When content has been loaded) */ $( document ).ready( function() { // Call the fade website in animation to fade the website in! fFadeWebsiteIn(); }); /* fFadeWebsiteIn() ================ This function is called when the website first loads, it simply fades the header container in */ function fFadeWebsiteIn() { // Fade the header container in TweenMax.to("body", 0.5, { opacity : 1, ease : Power2.easeIn } ); }